
How noisy Chinese tourists may be drowning out alien signals at the world’s biggest telescope?

Read this article today, recalling that while I was traveling in SA, those who blamed the Chinese tourists are always the Chinese themselves.

How noisy Chinese tourists may be drowning out alien signals at the world’s biggest telescope?

I did not meet&talk with many Chinese tourists. The first one I met was in La Paz of Bolivia. He actually is a business man, who had spending about 9 months traveling in Bolivia for expanding his business network. His comment mainly around, place with a lot of Chinese is not a pleasant place to visit.

The second one was a Chinese who graduated in the US, spent some years working in the US and now traveling around the Americas. He always referred some bad experiences to the similar phenomenons in China. For example, there were many tourists in Iguaza Fall during the Easter holiday. He just said, "it's like visiting places in China now!"

I did not ask them for comments about Chinese tourists, and we were not discussing anythings about Chinese tourism. But they just mentioned it spontaneously, which quite surprised me, indeed.


話說智利的阿塔卡馬沙漠(Atacama Desert)有個天文台,內裡有多座接收來自宇宙的毫米波長射線,每一個週末都開放予特定數目的遊客參觀。想參觀的朋友必先網上登記,才能進入天文台內參觀。大概中國貴州那個「鑊」,也可以考慮以同樣方式來管理吧?中國那個「鑊」,位置偏遠,大概只有少量的路道能夠前往吧?要做人流管理應該也不會太難。

